Monday, January 12, 2009

Riding the Rail....

As many of you have heard, (and some experienced the pain) the greater Phoenix area has been undergoing construction of their light rail system for the past several years in an effort to easy traffic congestion, and promote business growth across the valley. Sable and I decided to take the trip for our selves to see just how "easy" it was to navigate, and frankly it was a good excuse for a photo shoot!

We arrive at the Park and Ride at 6:30AM, and had only a short walk to the concourse where we were able to purchase our tickets. Since we really did not have an agenda, the "all day pass" worked well for us and would allow us to get off and on when/where we wanted without incurring additional cost. We chose to leave the train at Mill Avenue, as we thought we could get some interesting shots down by the lake, and on Mill Avenue.

We then decided to head into
the downtown area, where we hoped to shoot what I would loosely call some "urban fashion". Our wait once we got to the concourse was minimal and we were on our way. We chose to get off the train at the 3rd/Jefferson station, as we thought that would put us right downtown where we wanted to be. From here we could easily walk to the ball park, or the the arena, and also take in some of the older architecture that would add to the urban feel of the images we wanted.

First on the list was an area right near the ball park. I knew of some older buildings that might suit our purpose and Sable was excited to create some images that were a bit different than
what she currently had in her portfolio.

Once at the ball park, we found a few buildings that obviously had not been used in a while, and had just the look that I hoped for. With her "girl next door" look, and the contrast between the run down feel of the environment, I was very happy with the prospect of a few good images.